Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Everything is Sound and Light – 3

Water curl
“Locality says that particles interact at points in space-time. But suppose you want to inspect space-time very closely. Probing smaller and smaller distance scales requires ever higher energies, but at a certain scale, called the Planck length, the picture gets blurry: So much energy must be concentrated into such a small region that the energy collapses the region into a black hole, making it impossible to inspect. “There’s no way of measuring space and time separations once they are smaller than the Planck length,” said Arkani-Hamed. “So we imagine space-time is a continuous thing, but because it’s impossible to talk sharply about that thing, then that suggests it must not be fundamental — it must be emergent.”[xii]
These recent discoveries reveal that liquids, space, and whatever space emerges from behave and resonate with similar principles and laws. Scientist Yves Couder has demonstrated that “quantum weirdness” can be reconciled and explained with fluid dynamics. His team was able to make a drop of silicon “walk” across the surface of a vibrating oil bath[xiii], perfectly mimicking the wave-particle duality revealed through the double-slit experiment, except on a macrocosmic scale[xiv]. Biophysicist William Brown expands on this, noting that:
“In fluid dynamics, it has been observed that two vortices, or eddies, when produced simultaneously (such as in entanglement experiments) actually remain connected below the surface via a vortexing tunnel — like a wormhole! This vortexing tunnel beneath the surface, would allow for a seemingly hidden connection between the “particles-waves”, and allow for them to be correlated even over time and space. Such wormholes were described by Einstein and Rosenberg (ER bridges) and later John Wheeler as a logical consequence of geometrodynamics — the topological description of spacetime. Could they now be used to describe the quantum realm as well? In his latest paper, acclaimed physicist Leonard Susskind, contributor to the holographic principle, demonstrated that the entanglement between particles may be due to wormhole networks in the structure of spacetime.” [xv]
Understanding liquids-space-Source Intelligence as resonant holographic mediums at differing fractal iterations, non-locality and/or entanglement is a conceptual stepping stone to the quantum phenomena of wormhole bridges or dimension shifting. Explored in later paragraphs, electron and electromagnetic spin is the intermediary or medium for inter-dimensional communication. If space is emergent, what is fundamental? What is primordial, foundational unity? The unifying principle underlying the dimensions is as eastern philosophers and metaphysicians and the esoteric schools have understood for millennia; the inner nature of everything is Sound.
How is “cosmic music resonating in 11 dimensional hyperspace”processed and understood by the human instrument? If the brain is a receiver for higher dimensional sub-quantum intelligence, how does pure formless consciousness takes form in thought and word? How does sub-quantum light and sound — the radiance and music of consciousness — coalesce as created form, as neurochemistry and nervous system signals, as dreams, visions, and inspiration?
The creator of the Wingmakers mythos and works of the Lyricus Teaching Order, James Mahu, provides an answer;
“In the nascent science of cymatics, sound waves have been proven to generate geometric forms in matter. In the yet-to-be-discovered science of multidimensional reality, waveforms can be sculpted to enter biogenetic fields and catalyze biochemical processes, restore cellular health and trigger encoded electromagnetic fields within the cellular functions of the Central Nervous System (CNS).” [xvi]
The geometries of the chakras are revealed throughout cymatic experiments; certain frequencies are in perfect resonance with the structure of a pine cone and depictions of the Sahasrara chakra (528hz). As formless consciousness is transformed through Sahasrara, Ajna, Vishuddhi, to Anahata and the Heart, Sound and Light are diversified into an infinite array of cymatic forms and vibrations; taking form as thoughts, inspiration, visions, archetypal ideas, symbols, and language.
Considering water as the three dimensional manifestation of a multidimensional quantum field, with space as an intermediary, water’s infinite crystallized “sacred geometric” forms are perfect evidence of the above in the below. The resonant molecular language contained in the double helix is the Soul’s intermediary between form and the formless, holographically organizing the infinite diversity of visible sound and audible light in the symphony of creation.
– Andrew Eth
Source: http://themindunleashed.org/2015/07/everything-is-sound-and-light.html
[xii] ibid
[xiii]Bush, John WM. Fluid Dynamics Mimic Quantum Mechanics. MIT http://phys.org/news/2013-07-fluid-dynamics-mimic-quantum-mechanics.html#nRlv
[xiv] Couder, Yves. http://phys.org/news/2013-11-oil-mysteries-quantum-world.html
[xv] Brown, William. Resonance Project Foundation http://resonance.is/news/quantum-weirdness-replaced-by-classical-fluid-dynamics/
[xvi] http://lyricus.org/ Music Introduction

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