Wednesday, March 25, 2015

3rd Anniversary...

I am very glad to let you know that we are gracefully completing 3rd year of our learning journey today. “Known is a drop, Unknown is an Ocean” was started as knowledge sharing blog with the purpose to know our Self better, explore our Self further, listen our Self sharper, see our Self clearer and be our Self forever…

Each and every post here is step towards that journey… keep inspiring us to learn more… grow more… share more… and ultimately remembering us who we are…

On this note to take our learning and sharing to next step, I have added eBooks section today with “Mind – Its Mysteries and Control”. Will be adding more interesting and thought-provoking eBooks soon...

3rd ann
Concluding with Rumi’s words “We are not a drop in an Ocean, we are the entire Ocean in a drop” and Mamuni Mayans quote "As in Micro, so in Macro. The whole exists within the minutest particle and the minutest particle contains the whole. The atom contains the universe and the universe contains the atom, and neither exists without the other. Creator exists within creation, even as creation exists within creator.” :)

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