Monday, June 10, 2013

Center of Origination!

What most inspires me about this description of the unfolding of life is that it is a love story, the greatest love story, in that it is this Supreme 1st impulse of Love that brought and continues to bring into being, in every nano second, all that we know and experience as our world and the pulsating universe. It starts as the Originating One Source, called Moolam, Brahmam, The Quantum field, finding itself to be so beautiful and perfect and so in love with that beauty and perfection that it begins to vibrate, pulse, spin and order itself, manifesting over and over again into the myriad of material forms in the universe in order to experience and savor that beauty eternally. This process of manifestation besides being vibrant with the impulse of love is spontaneous, orderly, intelligent, unforced, auto catalytic, and pure.
~ Rosie O’Sullivan, Student AUM S&T on “Cosmological View of Mamuni Mayan in His Mayonic Science”

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