Sunday, April 21, 2013

Fabric of the Universe...

By Dr. Jessie Mercay
posted by Ganesh
Hope you have learned a lot on Vastu Science & Vaastu Technology and more than that about life, creation and manifestation from the Source through the book "Fabric of The Universe: The Origins, Implications, and Applications of Vastu Science" by Jessie J. Mercay. It reveals and illuminates the mechanisms of creation from intangible Absolute Space through the weaving of the fabric of creation to the emergence of the material world.
Once again my sincere thanks to Dr. Jessie J. Mercay for allowing me to share this divine wisdom with all. It will be my final post from this book which is also an excellent summary of what we have learned through these days...
The word Brahman as used in this text is both scientific and spiritual. It is an ancient name for the Quantum field – the source of all life.
This book answers our fundamental questions about that source of life. How does unmanifest, potential energy become manifest, material form? How do the buildings we live and work in influence our emotional & physical health and spiritual & material prosperity?
"It is the Inner space that becomes the Primal source and source of creation. It becomes the conscious form. It is the creative urge; it is consciousness itself; it reveals the creative way and process; it illuminates, shedding light everywhere; it effects the completion and fulfillment. Observe the fundamental order of inner space." (Dr. V. Ganapati Sthapati, Who Created God, p 35­36, quoting Brahmarishi Mayan)
The fundamental crux of Vastu Science and Vaastu Science and Technology is that Mayan, an ancient architect and Rishi perceived that there is one force, one fundamental First Principle from which all life emerges, and in which all life resides and ultimately returns to its Primal state of pure energy. He named this principle Brahmam. He saw that Brahmam, (Absolute Space, Consciousness, Potential Energy) by its own initiative, goes through a specific process to transform and manifest itself as the material world and its objects, Kinetic Energy. Mayan perceived that process was accomplished through a mathematical order and that order could be replicated by humans to unfold specific qualities of Brahmam that would vibrate in a form that brought health, happiness and spiritual bliss to those who partook in that form. That form could be dance, poetry, music, sculpture, or architecture. Not shown but implied is the 8x8 grid behind the octagon and circle. Octagon and circle are simply transformations of the 8x8 grid.
absolute to brahmam
Unmanifest Absolute Space – Consciousness – Brahmam transforms itself into manifest Consciousness - Brahmam in forms such as trees, rocks, people etc.
Science Religion
These three “gunas” or qualities are examples of the intermediary forms of Brahmam as it transforms itself from unmanifest to manifest. They are both forms and frequencies aroused within consciousness as it moves within itself to contain itself in material form. (These forms of Brahmam or First Principle are discussed in-depth in The Science of Mamuni Mayan’s Vaastu Temple Architecture: Savoring Your Own Beauty, by Dr. Jessie Mercay)
The universal laws and building codes of authentic Vaastu Shastra (Mayonic Science) reveal, in profound detail, how to create built space using the precise mathematical formulas, inherent in all creative activities, which take place in nature. A Vaastu structure is a vibrant, self-contained living organism, which serves to enhance positive qualities of life for its inhabitants. Through many readings and deep study, if you choose this path of Mayonic Science and Technology, you will ultimately learn that health, wellbeing and spiritual bliss can be found right at your own.
Ending with the Mayan's quote in Surya Siddhanta...                                      
"Salutations to Brahman, who is beyond speech and thought, who is with manifest form, who is free from attributes, who is the very nature of qualities, who is manifest as the basic support of all the worlds."
Fabric of The Universe: The Origins, Implications, and Applications of Vastu Science By Jessie J. Mercay. Text and diagrams, with permission, from Dr. Jessie Mercay, Fabric of the Universe, For any questions please visit

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