Sunday, March 24, 2013

Vaastu Temple - Part 2

By Dr. Jessie Mercay
posted by Ganesh
The affect of these buildings built using principles from ancient texts called Vaastu Shastras and Agamas is so great that the eighteen enlightened Siddhas (18 Siddhars) of India are known to have become enlightened at various buildings such as these in South India. For example, the great seer Pantanjali, who wrote The Yoga Sutras, became enlightened at Rameswara Temple, and was also influenced by Chidambaram – both Vaastu temples in Tamil Nadu, India. Thirumular, the enlightened sage and author of Thirumaintiram, became enlightened at Chidambaram. The modern saint Maharishi Ramana spent days and nights for months at Thiruvanamallai temple prior to his enlightenment. And, in India, when a person is so ill that the doctors cannot treat them, they are sent to one of these buildings to stay until they get well – and they do for the most part. Vaastu Temple Cottage in New Mexico built by the author and AUM S&T students in 2008.
How is it that a building can create an identifiable change in the physiology and experience of an individual? We know that there are buildings that make us feel good and buildings that we can’t wait to get out of but how is it that these particular building have a repeatable and testable affect on people? There is an answer to these questions and that is what the Vastu and Vaastu Science is all about.
Vaastu Garage
This is a Vaastu house and garage built with precision by Dr. Jessie Mercay in New Mexico. It is a modified New Mexico Territorial style. Vaastu Architect Betsy Pierce (AUM S&T student at the time) drafted the plans under the supervision of the author. Most styles of architecture can be adapted to Vaastu. Vaastu homes range from very simple forms (above) to complex mansions.
Aztec Canyon Temple
Aztec Canyon Temple Cottage mentioned in this introduction. Wall material is made of an eco board called Comfort Board. It is a fireproof and breathable material made of magnesium oxide (Mgo) and hemp fibers. The inside walls and ceiling are also Comfort board with a pyramidal interior ceiling. This form in ones backyard will serve to bring pure Vaastu energy to ones home setting. The feeling is almost indescribably peaceful and fulfilling. Most traditional building materials may be used to enclose space for Vaastu Architecture. This is the fundamental form and size of the magnificent Temples of India. Every home would benefit from one of these – even smaller than this would be an amazing addition to any family home site.
Vaastu Temple - Traditional
This is a more traditional looking home Temple Cottage built (summer and fall 2011) by AUM S&T students, which was supervised by Dr. Jessie Mercay and built with former AUM S&T student, Certified Vaastu Builder, Ken Hoffman in Patagonia, AZ. (Sponsored by Jackie and Ed Fleeder). The vibrancy of all of these buildings is significant and rivals any other existing Vaastu buildings. These are also available for homeowners who have space on their plot.
Fabric of The Universe: The Origins, Implications, and Applications of Vastu Science By Jessie J. Mercay. Text and diagrams, with permission, from Dr. Jessie Mercay, Fabric of the Universe, For any questions please visit

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