Saturday, March 2, 2013

Shastric Evidence for Vaastu Building

By Dr. Jessie Mercay
posted by Ganesh
The Builder
Thousands of years of experience have verified that the individuals who undertake the construction or forming of an authentic Vaastu structure (Sthapati, Shilpi, Architect, Vaastu consultant, dancer, poet etc.) develop a yogic intimacy with the structure or form. The trained Sthapati and the Shilpis internalize these scientific and spiritual concepts so that they impart the maximum knowledge to their construction. Just as the sculptor becomes the sculpture, the architect becomes the architecture, and the poet becomes his poem. The authorization of such a person to work in the field of Vaastu must be given by a Shilpi Guru or his or her representative.
Shastric Evidence for Building Per Vaastu Shastras
If a house or building is not built according to the divine measure cognized by Mayan and if the inner spaces are wrongly designed (according to proper Shastric rules of design) and the spaces are improperly designated in terms of use based on qualities of the elements and Padadevatas, then the house becomes a source of innumerable difficulties and hindrances for the occupant. The Shilpis of India have kept this secret for millennia. Three important texts from the Vaastu Shastras illuminate this point:
1. Mayamata: Since Vastu is vibrantly present as the inner essence of all the Vaastus, such as buildings, constructions generally known as praasaada, our predecessors considered them as vastus only. This statement simply says that Vaastu buildings are Vastu – living consciousness.
2. Manasara: Vaastus such as vimaana etc., indeed have emerged from Vastu and remain surcharged with Vastu. Verily they themselves are to be considered Vastu. Thus it has been declared by the scholarly persons who are the knowers of Vastu" Vimana is not only referring to temples – it means in technical language, all built structures built with systematic systems of measure.
3. Saklaadhikaram of Agastya: The body of the Supreme Being shines forth in three states: Formable, Formless and Mixed (both formed and formless). Of these, I will explain the rules and procedures pertaining to the Form as enunciated by lord Siva. (Interestingly enough, here we see a reference to these rules and procedures being enunciated by Lord Shiva. Earlier in this text I offered a quote from Mayan in which he mentions that the Supreme Being helped him to visualize Nataraja, lord Shiva. Agastya, being part of Mayan’s direct lineage was aware of this and mentions it in his Shastra by saying that these rules were enunciated by Lord Shiva. From Mayan, we know that Shiva/ Nataraja is a scientific term used to describe the vibration of the Brahma Sutra on a cosmic and individual level and its transformation of energy – Vastu, to matter – Vaastu.)
4. Samaranga Sutra Dhara Vaastu Shastra of King Boja Deva
If the principles of Vaastu are violated, serious dangers can occur:
  • Decrease in measure (the measurement of the Motherwall falls short of the correct Ayadi more than 1/16 of an inch) = severs diseases 
  • Increase in measure (main wall larger than properly Ayadied number) = the patron dies 
  • Increase in length = increase in enemies 
  • Decrease in girth = decay 
  • Decrease in breadth = poverty and insufficiency 
  • Increase in breadth = sudden demise of spouse 
  • Discrepancy in plumb line = pollution and dirt of the country 
  • Increase or decrease of measure of inner space = troubles and turmoil of the Shilpi and Guru
5. Building Architecture of Sthapatya Veda, Vaastu Shastra of Dr. V. Ganapati Sthapati We build within 1/16 of an inch of a properly ayadied perimeter.
Fabric of The Universe: The Origins, Implications, and Applications of Vastu Science By Jessie J. Mercay. Text and diagrams, with permission, from Dr. Jessie Mercay, Fabric of the Universe, For any questions please visit

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