Monday, February 18, 2013

Purpose of Creation?

The paradox lies in the utter simplicity of the answer: The Moolam (Brahmam or Absolute Space) is in love with its own inherent beauty and this beauty it searches for on the outside and this perfection it constantly creates, so that it may forever savor and enjoy this ultimate beauty. In its desire to create a substantive representation of itself on the outside, in order to savor its own beauty, the Moolam impels itself into a spin. Upon rotating the particles are thrown out all around the center. Mayan says that it is from this action of discharging particles of light from the luminous core that the Moolam anticipates the end product of a manifested outer phenomenon. The very act of anticipation of a final outcome and the effort put into bringing this about are the reasons for the ultimate object to be transformed into a reality from being figment of an inner dream.
~ Dr. V. Ganapati Sthapati

1 comment:

  1. Plz add Dr. J Mercays's name here, too, at the top!!
    Please do that to ALL articles and ALL images of her work you are re-posting, thanks!
