Sunday, January 20, 2013

Vaastu and 'Living Structure' - Part 2

By Dr. Jessie Mercay
posted by Ganesh
According to Dr. V. Ganapati Sthapati, without applying Vaastu principles, specifically Mayonic Science and Technology, the structure, jewelry, art or other object is “sick.” That means that consciousness is not harmonic with the wearer or dweller. In that state, the individual associated with that structure does not experience the possible gain and benefit available from Primal Existence. The “sick” object or structure can, in some cases, drain the life of the individual and create ill-health and misfortune. It is as if the “sick” structure is seeking energy from the owner/resident in an effort to struggle for life. The result is that the owner/resident begins to struggle for life.
In a properly constructed or rectified Vaastu structure, life energy and harmony is added to the life of the owner and occupant. The entire structure of a Vaastu house becomes a self-effulgent living organism that transforms its dweller into a radiant self - effulgent spiritual being. A properly constructed built space created through the application of Vastu Science and Vaastu Science brings spiritual bliss to the dweller.
"The embodied energy is Vaastu Purusha Mandala or the Creative Essence made manifest on the physical plane. The space enclosed in a building is Praasaada Purusha Mandala or "energized building." Such a building is a living organism built of musical units of measure. These units correspond with the primal vibrations of the cosmos itself." ~ Brahmarishi Mayan, circa 10,500 BC
Mamuni Mayan
The success of Vastu /Vaastu Science in contributing to the welfare of a home dweller is based upon the fundamental structure (enclosed space) and subsequent frequency emitted by that vibrant structure. It is the mathematical formula used in creating the Motherwall, and the alignment with the earth’s grid that gives rise to the vibrational frequency of the structure called Vaastu. The placement of the walls, windows, doors and other Vaastu building code elements that ensure the uninterrupted flow of energy within the structure.
The use of objects such as mirrors, yantras, crystals etc., that are often used in many Vastu consultations in an effort to “correct” or “rectify” the harmful effects of a disharmonic structure is based upon superstition rather than scientific principles. The thought that a mirror or other object can cancel out the negative effects of the powerful Primal force emitted by a built space is sheer fantasy. The success of a Vaastu consultation relies solely on the ability of the consultant to understand and apply the principles of Absolute Space, Absolute Time, Om Light, OM Sound and the ensuing unfolding of Vastureva Vaastu.
Mayan said: "Through the power of inner consciousness, the knower of Vastu should know about light aspects and sound aspects of OM pertaining to both inner and outer space. Those who do not realize the creative dynamism of inner space cannot know the dynamism of outer space" (Aintiram: sutras 195,831).
Once an individual understands the principles of Vastu /Vaastu Science, he or she comes to realize what is truly necessary to build a structure properly and does so in accordance with the authentic principles of Vastu/Vaastu Science rather than with principles based on superstition. Furthermore, once the knower understands the dynamics of inner Space then one truly understands life itself.
Fabric of The Universe: The Origins, Implications, and Applications of Vastu Science By Jessie J. Mercay. Text and diagrams, with permission, from Dr. Jessie Mercay, Fabric of the Universe, For any questions please visit


  1. Again, verbatim from Dr J Mercay's research work!!
    This is no "reference" but a cut and paste -- please admit so!!

  2. Dear Friend,

    It absolutely true that is shared directly from Fabric of The Universe: The Origins, Implications, and Applications of Vaastu Science By Jessie J. Mercay. All these articles on Vaastu science are published here with her full permission to share this divine knowledge with all as us mentioned above. Even the disclosure used below is suggested by her to share her articles. Thanks for expressing your thoughts and please let me know if you need more details.

    Be well,
