Tuesday, January 8, 2013

States of Mind - Part 1

Mind has got three states, viz., waking state, dreaming state and deep sleep state.
Waking State
The individual soul (Jiva) is called awake as long as it is connected with the various external objects by means of the modifications of the mind—which thus constitute limiting adjuncts of the soul—apprehends those external objects and identifies itself with the gross body which is one of those external objects. During waking state, the mind occupies the brain.
Dreaming State
When the mind enters the Hita Nadi, which proceeds from the heart and surrounds the great membrane round the heart, which is as thin as a hair divided into thousand parts and is filled with the minute essence of various colors of white, black, yellow and red, the individual soul or Jiva (ego) experiences the state of dream.
In dream, the senses are thrown off just as you throw off your suit when going to bed. In dream state, the senses are quiet and absorbed in the mind. Mind alone plays during dream. The mind alone operates in a free and unfettered manner. There is no land, no sea, no horse, no elephant in dream; but mind creates everything out of its own body, out of the materials supplied from waking consciousness. The mind itself assumes the various forms of bee, flower, mountain, elephant, horse, river, etc. It is the subject. It is the object as well. The seer and the seen are one.
The objects perceived in dreams are revivals of impressions received in waking state and have an external reality only to the dreamer. When modified by the impressions which the external objects have left, the Jiva sees dreams. Perception takes place through the internal organ called Manas (mind); so it is called “inner perception.” Every man has his own subjective mental world and his own dream-creatures. The dream-creatures of a young lady are her husband and new-born babe. Her mind has two strong mental images, viz., those of her husband and baby. The mental images are strengthened by constant thinking. The dream-creatures of a doctor are his patients, while those of a barrister are his clients. There is temperamental difference. Some rarely get dreams. A Jnani (wise being) who has Knowledge of the Self will not have any dream.
The Difference Between Waking and Dreaming State
In the waking condition the mind depends on the outward impressions, while in the dreaming state, it creates its own impressions and enjoys them. It uses, of course, the materials of the waking hours. In waking state, the objects exist independent of the mind. So, every day you see the same objects as soon as you wake up from sleep. But in dreams, the objects of dream exist only so long as there is mind, so long as the dream lasts, because the dream-creatures are manufactured out of mind only. In dream, mind itself creates the dream-creatures out of the materials supplied by waking experiences with some modifications. When mind drops down to waking state, all dream-objects vanish.
We will see about deep sleep state tomorrow. Good night and sweet dreams. :)
Mind – Its Mysteries and Control by Sri Swami Sivananda

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