Friday, January 11, 2013

Our Pathway to the Truth

You are cosmic infinite light shining your warm hearts emanating from within your soul with each person you encounter on a daily basis. By looking people into their eyes when speaking to them and instead of thinking over them, you need to LISTEN. Become purely Silent and just Listen to them speak, listen to what their soul is pouring out to you. Listen with your heart. Relationships and friendships are truly wonderful when processed correctly because we cannot do this alone, we are all in this together as one. By linking our hearts with each other we grow in understanding, communication, awareness, honesty and true divine love which activates the heart chakra in totality. Every one of this earth has a divine counterpart that they will find to share experiences over centuries of time both the good and the bad but they are connected eternally through divine love. This is not your twin flame which is your masculine and feminine energy aligned to activate the Kundalini this is another soul, who is as awaken and divine as you, your true equal, your true divine mirror reflected by divine love. For we are all linked together as gods and goddesses unified in equality as one. There is never separation, you are always connected by love through the divine communal frequency that radiates at the crystalline core of our Mother Earth.
Life is so beautiful when you just stop thinking and start feeling your own soul, your heart. Stop talking and start LISTENING. Listen truly and deeply.
And feel not with your fingers but your eyes, your heart. Go outside and instead of just thinking randomly just soak up the sun on your back, listen to the birds sing, feel the breeze of the trees as they shake off their leaves, look at how the earth moves, how the earth feels, then you can touch it but don’t touch it with your hands….touch it with your heart. Push your mind into the sky and become the universe itself, become the earth, become the tree, become the grass, the dirt, the bird flying…lifting it’s wings and just soaring infinitely into eternity.
Then you will realize there are three best teachers in life.
The first is your Ego. Your thoughts. Watch them. What we think we become. Your thoughts shape who you Think you are, but not who you are. They show you obstacles. They show you strength. They show you fear. They show you weakness. humility. Doubt. Anger. Depression. Grief. Anxiety. Fear of future. It enables a projection but not one of truth, it enables a lesson from pure illusion. Life is merely about mind constructs and how to deconstruct those mind conditioning by taking control of your thoughts.
The Second is Nature. The most primal. Tribal power within us. There is no need to ground. For you are already grounded eternally within the Earth. Some think they need to ground and they do but the deepest realization of grounding is realizing that you and the earth are one. Therefore the sense of ‘grounding my energies’ is quite nonsensical because the energy you radiate resonates in tune with Mother Earth. And you can hear her all the time, talking back to you, through the wind, the scratching thunderstorms, crying with the rain, singing with the birds, croaking like the frogs in the pond, She’s always there. She’s always listening and you have to see that the earth is alive. She more alive than most of humanity. She is awake.
The Third is Yourself. You are always and will always be your own guru. No book, no rule, no education system, no parent, no sibling, no school teacher, no idol, no website, no one is more important to your ability of infinite potential than you. You are your own sacred Teacher. There are many who help us on our pathways, i guess you could say each human being we love and encounter is a teacher to our own soul’s karmic flow and release. So i could write everyone really but in actuality the most important teacher is YOU. All the answers are inside of you. You are the universe. Everything external comes from your internal reality for they link together by merging your left brain and your right into one. The only person, place, thing or manifestation that is holding you back from doubt, from fear, from growth, from change is you. You need to love yourself, You need to believe in yourself, You need to have faith in yourself, you need to cherish your life and the people in it, you need to be kind to yourself, you need to not tell yourself you are dumb or stupid or useless or used or pathetic or hopeless or any of that. The only way you can get around this is if you acknowledge that you are eternally infinite and god is never outside of you but lives within you forever.
We can all achieve inner peace i know we can. Life doesn’t have to be so complicated, people make it that way but a little thing called ‘time’ which is completely man-made. I realized by removing all burdens within my psyche and just surrendering into the eternal flow instead of constantly fighting the current. I was able to swim at ease, at peace.
So i wish for you all to just stop. Stop researching, stop thinking so hard about ascension all the time. Stop consuming your mind with constant thought patterns about what you should or shouldn't do what you can or can’t eat, don’t read every food label in existence, nothing will harm you, you are golden light infinitely free, stop freaking out about chemicals and how it’s going to hurt your pineal gland, it’s just fear tactics, they get you everywhere, just stop thinking, enjoy your food, enjoy your coffee, enjoy no limitations and instead of worrying about all this nonsense that they keep plagued into our minds constantly on a daily basis. I want you to just enjoy yourself for once. Let go into the flow of true reality. Let go and LIVE. Have a day where you are completely free, free not only your day but your spirit, your soul, just let go. completely. Completely. Surrender. Listen with your heart and feel. Surrender into the universe, surrender into yourself and see where it takes you on this vast journey called life. :)
~ Ashley

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