Friday, January 18, 2013

All is Well!

Many people ask me is there any short method that I can use when I become depressed or disillusioned. When I start feeling out of sorts is there anything I can say besides practicing self-inquiry? Is there a little fast method some words that I can use as an affirmation?
Well we don’t use affirmations because they are just the workings of the mind. But there is something you can do that is very simple and you hear me saying it all the time. You can interrupt your feelings and your mind, worries, thoughts by merely saying, “All Is well”.
You hear me saying this all the time, “All is well and everything is unfolding as it should”. When you say, “All is well”, it contains everything that we teach. All is well means that everything is the way it should be. There are no mistakes. There is absolutely nothing wrong.
No matter how things may look, no matter how things may appear, if we believe something is wrong, it’s because we misconstrue the way things really are. When you say to yourself, “All is well”, a calming effect takes place in your nervous system and you find that you become relaxed and peaceful.
For in reality you are saying, “Nothing is wrong, nothing has ever been wrong and nothing will ever be wrong”. If I think it is, it’s because I don’t understand. So, “All is well”.
Remember you have been brought up to believe certain things about life. How your life should be. In other words you have been brainwashed. Just about everything you believe is anti-reality. Think about your belief system. The way you think that things should be in your life. Things shouldn’t be any way in your life. Things just are, they come and they go.
You have no life. You are reality. You are the Self, and that’s not a life that’s just being, pure being. Pure being is your real nature. I reiterate again.
  • Stop looking and stop judging at appearances.
  • Leave the world alone.
  • Stop coming to conclusions.
  • Do not be for or against anything.
  • Be easy with yourself, be gentle to yourself.
  • Catch yourself when your mind starts telling you all of these depressing things and starts worrying you.
  • Realize that you are greater than you can ever imagine.
  • You are God in all its essence.
  • You are not a piece of God or a parcel of God.
  • You are the whole.
  • You are absolute oneness, nirvana, emptiness.
  • You are the Self.
Why not accept this?
All you have to do is intellectually accept the truth and the intellect will cause it to go into the subconscious, the subconscious will go into the reality, the reality will turn into consciousness and consciousness will express itself as bliss.
This means that while you appear to be wearing a body, it will be a body of bliss. Others will not see it like that. But you will not be concerned with others, for you are others. And as you see your body of bliss, of course it includes the body of the universe because your body of bliss is omnipresence. Therefore you see everything as bliss and you have unalloyed happiness, joy and peace.
- Robert Adams

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