Thursday, November 29, 2012

Do alcohol and drugs induce state of meditation?

Consumption of alcohol and drugs gives relaxation to the mind only and makes one forget the present worries and stresses temporarily. Drugs may induce some "elevated experiences" in addition to giving relaxation to the mind. Like the drug induced experiences alcohol induced experiences are also not spiritual experiences and causes harm to the body and mind, in the long run. For sadhana (spiritual practice), a seeker should take care of his body properly, a fit body supports sadhana. It is not advisable to weaken the body by consuming drugs or alcohol.
For progressing in spiritual life there are no shortcuts. If alcohol or drugs could induce spiritual experiences things would have been very easy. Spirituality could then be purchased within the cost of drugs or alcohol but this not true. Those who believe that alcohol or drugs can give them spirituality are misguided. As I said before there are no shortcuts to spirituality. One has to do the hard work of sadhana. Also anybody who does sadhana gains in spirituality and these gains are his permanent and authentic spiritual treasures. No one can snatch your spiritual treasures from you.
~ Avathar ATMAGURU

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