Sunday, October 28, 2012

Yagya or Yajna or Yagam - Why?

I recently read an article that described the Shastric citations and scientific clinical trials of the benefits of something called “Yagya Therapy.” A yagya is a fire ceremony done for many reasons. It has ancient roots and has been done by various cultures all over the world – most notably in India. Yagya therapy is an herbal inhalation therapy described in the ancient medical science called Ayurveda.
It is said that the burning of special herbs in a fire creates smoke that purifies the atmosphere, adds fertilization to the soil as the herbalized smoke drops on the fields, and affects the individuals breathing in the smoke. This is not too far-fetched when you consider the modern practice of inhaling Vicks vapor rub, and the widely used practice of aromatherapy. It has been scientifically demonstrated that certain smells affect the amygdala the brain and bring a feeling of well-being. So, the concept of Yagya Therapy is not unreasonable.
One of the missing links in the use of yagyas is the special preparation of the fire pit. Mayan, the progenitor of Vaastu Shastras performed yagyas that were said to be so potent that even the wild animals of the jungle were peaceful. During a yagya and during Mayan’s yagya mantras or specific phrases are chanted along with a ritualistic building up of the fire in a fire pit. The combination of mantras and herbs bring about an amazing effect in the environment. However, there is something missing from modern day yagyas that was present in Mayan’s yagyas that special something – a missing link to the Divine – is the secret mathematics used to build the fire pit. In other words, people have the form of the fire pit in modern times but they don’t have the mathematics – the measure of the enclosed space of the fire pit that produces influences beyond material influences.
Use of mantras, herbs, and other elements produce subtle and gross effects on people and the environment. However the real change in humanity comes from altering the essential frequency of a person. There are all kinds of ways to change our material life but for lasting change, profound change, we have to change the frequency of individuals and the environment. Accessing the Divine rhythm or frequency can only do this. For a yagya to be deeply and profoundly beneficial it must be done in a fire pit that is mathematically calculated for the individual (when done for an individual) or for the community. When a fire pit is built properly per the Vaastu Shastras and Agamas, then the flame of the fire is literally holding the frequency of specific Divine qualities. It is not simply representing cosmic flame; it literally holds specific qualities of the cosmic flame. Like a Vaastu house, when exposed to these Cosmic frequencies, the individual’s own frequency in the cave of the heart is elevated. As the inner cosmic flame begins to vibrate with the external cosmic flame, positive qualities of the Divine begin to be out pictured as the life of the individual. Then health, peace, prosperity, and well-being emerge in one's life. This is thoroughly explained in my book “Fabric of The Universe” which can be obtained through the bookstore at
It is only through elevating the individual frequency that real and lasting change occurs. We are promoting the idea of properly constructed fire pits for yagyas with proper mathematics – it’s an advanced study topic taught as part of the AUM S&T Senior Graduate Program. I can hardly wait to have AUM S&T students building these fire pits in back yards all over the world.
- Dr. Jessie Mercay at

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