Thursday, October 11, 2012

Light your Self!

Everything right now is being brought into harmony and balance in the quickest possible way, so that all may evolve in consciousness and move into higher ways of being. Please be gentle with yourself and fellow beings of earth. You are all at different stages in growth, however you are all equal within your divinity. As you continue to go through these very intense light shifts in consciousness, use your ability to connect with the light through the heart-space. Light is a powerful tool to assist you in all areas of your life and the releasing process. Your imagination will aid you in creating balance within yourself using light.
Beloved souls of light, see the core of your being as a pure spark of divine light. See this light running up and down your spine, going down to the core of the earth and up into the cosmos infinitely. Make this light grow and surround your entire aura, illuminating your BEING from the inside out. See yourself growing more radiant and more beautiful. Take the time to connect with the light via meditation to assist is the clearing process. Know that you are this light, this is your true and unlimited Self. Know that you are loved and you are supported always in your journey. We are ONE and we are LOVE.
~ High Council of Orion through Abigail Wainwright

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