Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Virtues to Cultivate!

Friendliness, Compassion, Sympathy, Cosmic or Universal love, Forgiveness, spiritual Patience, Power of Endurance, Forbearance and Tolerance are Sattvic qualities of the mind. They contribute to the peace and happiness of human beings. They should be cultivated to a very high degree.
Love and pity make the mind soft. Pity has the characteristic feature of evolving the mode of removing pain; the property of not being able to bear seeing others suffer; the manifestation of not harming; the proximate cause of seeing the need of those overcome by pain. Its consummation is the suppression of harming; its failure is the production of sorrow.
Patience, tenacity, perseverance and determination are indispensable for success in Self-realization. They should be developed to a maximum degree, particularly by spiritual aspirants. When you meditate on OM, when you assert yourself as Soul in the morning meditation, you will gain a lot of strength. That will help to give you courage that is needed for the progress in the spiritual path. Many difficulties on the path of Truth are to be overcome through the help of fortitude and endurance. These qualities are the forms of courage. Fortitude is mental power of endurance. It is firmness in meeting danger. It is power of resistance.
Mind – Its Mysteries and Control by Sri Swami Sivananda

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