Saturday, September 29, 2012

The True Knowledge!

The source or key to access the true knowledge lies with-in us. True knowledge is across everywhere, but it can accessed by the one who truly seeks it from with-in. The Yoga, Meditation and Spiritual practices are some of the tools to access it. Even in our day today life we may have accessed it sometimes which we call as intuition, spark or flash of knowledge. All the so-called inventions and discoveries in the modern science is just a spark of it.

This true knowledge is called in different names in our ancient scriptures. A few of them are given below. Remember all of them are synonymous terms...

Atma Jnana - Knowledge of Soul or Spirit or Self Awareness
Brahma Jnana - Knowledge of Universe or Knowledge of Space or Universal Consciousness
Advaita Jnana - Knowledge of Non Duality or Knowledge beyond Time and Space or Knowledge of Oneness
Mei Jnanam / Mei Arivu - True Knowledge from With-in or True Wisdom
Mei Porul or Param Porul - The Ultimate Truth or Universal Truth

In other words, we all are low-frequency waves or carriers operating in earth. The universal knowledge is spread across, which is transmitted at Higher frequency (e.g. UV / Gamma Rays) waves. We need to tune our-self from lower frequency (lower self or frequency of mind) to higher frequency (higher Self or frequency of Soul) to receive the true knowledge from the Source. All we need to do is just find our best way to access the true knowledge from the Source! :)

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