Thursday, September 13, 2012

Are you the One?

"“Dhritih kshama damo’steyam saucham-indriyanigrahah
Dheer-vidya satyam-akrodho dasakam dharmalakshanam”"
                                                                  - Manusmriti, VI-92

Patience, forgiveness, control of mind, non-stealing, external and internal purity, control of senses, knowledge of Sastras, knowledge of Soul, truthfulness and absence of anger are the ten qualities of Dharma according to Manu.
Your thoughts must agree with the word. This is straightforwardness. Practice this. You will derive wonderful benefits. If you practice Truthfulness for twelve years, you will get Word-Power. Whatever you speak will come to pass. Anxiety will vanish. You will be free from committing many evil actions by speaking the truth.
Patience, perseverance, application, interest, faith, zeal, enthusiasm, determination are necessary during practice. Dedication and Devotion are noble thought waves that help a man to free himself from bondage. These virtues have to be cultivated. Then only is success possible. Look at the various difficulties that crop up in the way. The spiritual line is, therefore, difficult. Very few take to the path, one in thousands (according to the Gita). Out of them very few succeed. Many give up practice when they are half-way, as they find it difficult to pull on till the end is reached. It is only the firm with courage, endurance and anxious that reaches the goal of Sat-Chit-Ananda (Truth-Conscious-Bliss) state. Hail, hail, to such rare noble souls!
Mind – Its Mysteries and Control by Sri Swami Sivananda

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