Sunday, August 5, 2012

Satyam - Shivam - Sundaram

What is our true nature? What is the nature of our Self? Our original nature can be described in 3 words in nutshell - Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram - which means Truth, Consciousness, Bliss. Below are some more...

Satyam - Truth, Absolute Truth, Universal Truth, Ultimate Reality, Pure,...
Shivam - Consciousness, Awareness, Self Realization, Moksha, Nirvana,...
Sundaram - Bliss, Beauty, Joy, Ecstasy, Eternal Peace,...

Our true nature is also known as Sat-Chit-Ananda (Satyam - Truth, Chittam - Consciousness, Anandam - Bliss). This is the Self which was before the origin and which is going to be after the end. That is the place where we always are and will be ever! :)

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