Sunday, August 26, 2012

Eight Equals Nine (Vaastu Purusha Mandala) - Part 4

By Dr. Jessie Mercay
posted by Ganesh
From the expression and co-mingling of the three gunas, a new grid emerges as the grid restores itself into 9x9 cube of tranquility and stillness. This transformation from the 8x8 cube to the 9x9 cube is called Pranava. This transformation is signified by the 8x8 Manduka Mandala (frog) leaping into existence as the 9x9 Paramasyika Mandala (Vaastu Purusha Mandala).
The 9x9 grid (cube) is the fabric of the manifest universe. Its full form is a six-sided cube.
Note here that the strings of modules form pulse/ beat and rhythm/frequencies, known as “time units,” in the Space /Time continuum.
The 8 pulse or beat of the 8x8 has transformed into a 9 pulse or beat changing the overall rhythm or frequency of the cubical form. This frequency of 9 beats or pulses becomes important in Vaastu as the frequency of a vastu structure is articulated through numerical functions discussed later as ayadi calculations. (It is useful to remember that while these diagrams are shown as flat squares, they are in reality six sided cubes.)
Mayan says, “Those persons who have analyzed the subtle nature of TIME should contemplate the potency of the Primal Existence and realize the manifested movement of rhythm over the space of the mandala constituted of squares which gives rise to FORMS…They should analyze the visible process of the gross aspect of the mandala and the invisible process of its subtle aspect.” ((Aintiram, vs. 177)
There are several important points to note:
1. There are 81 modules or padas within the 9x9 cube. Each module/pada within the cube is of equal size and shape. Within each module or sub-cube, the process just described (formation of Time, OM light and OM Sound, Air, Fire, Water etc.) is occurring on a miniscule level and mirroring the original process that we have discussed.
2. The original micro-cube continues to spin and expand through Space and Time. The elements of Air, Fire, and Water and Earth are formed. Space organizes itself in cubes that mirror the original micro cube. These cubes are strung together forming bands around the central point. Remember that the origin of the micro cube was a pulse in Absolute Space. This pulse caused the onset of Absolute Time. Pulses in Time linked together form rhythm; rhythm through space forms frequencies; frequencies form meter or beat; frequencies and meter/beat have a numerical equivalent; the numerical equivalent can be translated into specific qualities based upon the length of the beat and frequency just as the length of a string on a musical instrument produces different qualities of sound when plucked with varying beats.
3. The individual horizontal and vertical lines contain the potency of primal light and sound in the form of frequency.
4. The frequencies created by the cubes strung together form Space/ Time bands around the central module or “pada” that expand outward as each element is created. These are bands of energy or frequency that have particular attributes based upon the elements that predominate within these bands.
5. The cubical structure of the 81 squares of the mandala is (as is the 8x8 mandala) the graphic and atomic structure of the whole cosmos. It is the modified version or representational version of the Pranava Veda. The exact center of the 81 squares is called Moolam or primal dot – sometimes referred to as the Bindu point. The primal dot is square in shape and has within itself the presence of 81 squares and within those 81 squares is another primal dot with 81 innate squares with primal dot ad infinitum. (extension of the idea presented by Dr.S.P. Sabharathnam, p xi, Mayan’s Aintiram)
6. Each module or pada within the 9x9 structure resonates with a specific Space Time, Light, Sound and elemental frequency based upon its position in the space/ Time continuum. The position in the time/ Space continuum is determined by the commingling of Absolute Space, Absolute Time, OM Light and Sound, Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and the three gunas. This vibrating frequency is called a luminous body or devata. Each devata has particular attributes based upon its position and qualities in the space/Time continuum (placement among the 81 sub-cubes or padas).
7. The 9x9 module is made up of fractions of time units. These time units are expressions of frequency.
8. Frequency, because it is moving energy, can be measured. The time that it takes to move through space from the steady zero state to its peak state and back to its steady state can be mathematically defined. Thus, the frequency of any given 9x9 module can be described in mathematical terms.
9. The basis of frequency and ultimately Form is Absolute Space /Time and OM Light and OM Sound. Om Light is the foundation for all Visual forms and OM Sound is the basis of all aural forms. This principle includes the human form. “Viewed deeply, it is to be understood that the power of primal light is indeed the power of consciousness in each and every soul.” (Aintiram sutra189)
Mayan describes this entire process in the Pranava Veda and the Aintiram. He describes individual time units, and the progression of their growth into larger and larger units, as modules or padas are strung together. Mayan says, “The minute fraction of time-unit becomes the basis for mathematical calculations…” (Sutra 176).
Fabric of The Universe: The Origins, Implications, and Applications of Vastu Science By Jessie J. Mercay. Text and diagrams, with permission, from Dr. Jessie Mercay, Fabric of the Universe, For any questions please visit

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