Saturday, July 14, 2012

What is 'Spiritual Bliss'?

By Dr. Jessie Mercay
posted by Ganesh
There is another way to visualize the manifestation process. As mentioned earlier, we can consider the concept that the manifest world began as a single point in the body of consciousness – moolam. From this point, within the structure of Eka pada – undifferentiated Field – the moolam or cosmic fire extended outward in two directions forming two lines – Brahma Sutra and Civa Sutra thus dividing itself into four units. Then again dividing it self into eight units, sixteen units, thirty-two units, and sixty-four units. Each division is through the extension from point to line to form, expanding outward as square forms forming square belts of energy around the central point. This outward expansion is shown as the development of energy belts around the central nucleus later. The significance of this perspective will be seen later under the discussion of energy belts around the central Brahmasthan in a building.
The point in the center can be seen as the tip of the pyramidal form mentioned above. In the expansion outward Brahmam divides itself by creating replicas of it self through waveforms. The rows of lines are vibrating forms within which there are replicated pyramidal forms that gush and spin, have a cubical center and then again expand outward ad infinitum. This is another way of viewing characteristics of the manifestation of energy to matter. It is a bit of a repetition of previous material with a different slant.
The point here is that the manifestation process is a multifaceted process with a number of actions occurring at once. It is both simultaneous and successive. Each way of viewing this process is ultimately reflected in the process of applying the Vaastu Shastras to building architecture. It is also reflected in the other Cosmic arts – dance, music, poetry, and sculpture.
This is the side view and the three preceding and three following diagrams being a top down view. The curvature of the form is not seen in the top down view. Here we have an extension upward of Moolam and a spreading, swelling or extending of the Cosmic material. We see this form mimicked in Vaastu architecture especially in Kerala and in Asia.
We can see from this that the definition of the word “Brahmam” is appropriate in that Brahmam means expansion and growth: to swell, growth, expansion, evolution, development, swelling of the Spirit or Soul. This is a technical term that has been misunderstood by literary thinkers. It is a scientific term that describes a process in the Quantum Field.
I have mentioned “self – spin” in several places throughout this text. Spin is a characteristic found on every level of the manifest world from the largest of the largest – clusters of galaxies, to the smallest of the smallest – sub atomic particles, and everywhere between. Galaxies spin, planets spin, atoms spin, and there is spin occurring on every level in every manifest form. The source of this spin is Brahmam or Consciousness – the Field. This universal spin can be explained by various theories such as changes in density, gravitation and other explanations shown through mathematics. Yet, no theory or mathematical formula has truly explained the origin of spin (spin theory).
Mayan says that this is a self – generated spin. We might think of it as a result of the exuberance of Brahmam as it gushes forward after having contracted within itself. Think of a person that is filled with joy and who then starts spontaneously swirling around with his or her arms extended. This joyful person becomes like the whirling Dervishes as he or she dances with joy. We can say, that Brahmam swirls, spins, and dances with joy as it manifests its own qualities as frequencies of OM Light and OM Sound then further as the gross elements. We can say that this joy is the origin of what we call “Spiritual Bliss” the joy of Brahmam as It experiences Itself through manifestation. It is this “joy of Brahmam” that we have the opportunity to experience when living in a Vaastu home.
Fabric of The Universe: The Origins, Implications, and Applications of Vastu Science By Jessie J. Mercay. Text and diagrams, with permission, from Dr. Jessie Mercay, Fabric of the Universe, For any questions please visit

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