Friday, July 6, 2012

Like & Dislike - How & Why?

Like-Dislike has four states, viz., burnt up, attenuated or thinned out, concealed and fully expanded. The first two states pertain to a Yogi; the last two to worldling. In a fully developed Yogi, the thought waves of Like-Dislike are burnt up by. They are like burnt-up seeds. In a Yogi who is practicing, the impressions of Like-Dislike are tenuous. They are in a fine state. He has control over these two thought waves. In those who are given to enjoyments (ordinary mortals), they are concealed and fully expanded. When the wife shows affection to her husband, when the Like-thought wave is in operation, her anger and hatred remain concealed for the time being. The moment she gets displeased with him for some reason or other, the Dislike-thought wave manifests itself. In the last (expanded) state, the Impressions of Like-Dislike, having favorable surroundings, attain to great activity. A worldly-minded man is a mere slave of Like-Dislike currents. He is tossed about hither and thither by these two  currents of attraction and repulsion.
In sleep, these two emotions exist in a man in a seed form. They are not destroyed. As soon as the man gets up from sleep, they begin to operate again. In children, these twin currents manifest for a short time and disappear soon. They fight in this second and join together with joy the very next second. They do not keep up any ill feelings in their minds. They do not brood also over the wrongs done by others. They do not exhibit any grudge. The wave comes and passes away. As the child grows, these currents assume a grave phase by constant repetition and become inveterate.
Duality slowly develops when the child reaches the second year. Place a baby within one year of age in any place. It will remain there like a block of stone. It will laugh and see alike all people without any Like-Dislike. Ask a child of two years of age to sit. It will stand. Ask the child to come near. It will recede back to a distance. Tell the child, "Do not go to the street"; it will immediately march to the street. It will do contrary actions, because Duality is developing now in the child.
Causes of Like-Dislike
Like-Dislike is due to the favourable-unfavourable knowledge. You have Like for things favourable and Dislike for things unfavourable. When this favourable-unfavourable knowledge which depends upon knowledge of discrimination disappears, Like-Dislike will vanish.
Like-Dislike is also due to Perception-Ego. As soon as Perception manifests, there comes Like-Dislike. When you conceive yourself as husband, there comes the attachment (Like) for your wife. As soon as you conceive yourself to be a Worker, there comes the love of the Workers. Give up Perception, if you want to eradicate Like-Dislike. If this Perception, the result of ignorance vanishes, Like-Dislike will vanish. Some minds hang on you through Like, while some others hang on you through Dislike.
Mind – Its Mysteries and Control by Sri Swami Sivananda

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