Sunday, June 17, 2012

Primal Energy - Representation

By Dr. Jessie Mercay
posted by Ganesh
The genesis of this self-activating process begins with Zero Space - Soonyambaram. Imagine a vast, unbounded field of pure, unmoving vibrant potential energy. This field has no beginning and no end. It just is. This is the field called Absolute Space. This Zero Space can be visualized as an uncompounded, vibrant, concentrated square energy form (Eka pada) likened to a burning ember (Moolak Kanalnilai) pregnant with potential yet in vibrant stillness (nilaiyasi). It can be viewed as an unimaginably concentrated point of energy.
View of Eka pada from above looking down.
From a cross-section or side view, it can be represented here for the sake of analogy as a flat line.
This Absolute Space is Zero Point or Zero Time, no time or pulse, Absolute stillness and silence yet filled with potential energy.
Ōm Ōm Iyalviri Olinirai 1
Nilai Iyal Kalaiperu Miyalvirivey 2
Ōm Ōm Moolap Porulneri 3
Naarpurat Thiyalnilai Kalaisudarey 4
Ōm Ōm Ennilai Arupaan 5
Naankiyal Kanakkiyal Sittravayey 6
Ōm Ōm Sudaroli Moolak 7
Kanalnilai Onkurum perunthiraney 8

The self-spread Ōm light exists in a permanent state of luminosity. This luminosity is amazingly creative in appearance. The orderly shape of this primal source of luminous flame is four-sided (square). The mathematical state of this square is a composition of sixty-four microbodes or grids. The luminous primal ember contained within this square has enormous potency. (Pranava Veda, verse 3)
In this verse Mayan uses the word square for the first time (Naarpurat Thiyalnilai - four-sided shape). This gives shape to the unimaginably enormous flame that he describes in his previous verses. There are number of other references that explain the shape of the primal source of energy. Vaastu Purusha chaturasra samstaha – Vaastu (material energy), purusha (embodied primal energy), chaturasra (square), samstaha (contained).
We will see more details on this process next weekend.
Fabric of The Universe: The Origins, Implications, and Applications of Vastu Science By Jessie J. Mercay. Text and diagrams, with permission, from Dr. Jessie Mercay, Fabric of the Universe, For any questions please visit

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