Tuesday, June 12, 2012

How to Control the Thoughts - Part 1

Today we will see the ways to control the thoughts in detail...
Self Inquiry
The first and foremost of all thoughts - the primeval thought - is “I”. It is only after the birth of this thought that any other thought can rise at all. It is only after the first personal pronoun “I” has arisen in the mind that the second personal pronoun “You” and the third personal pronoun “He”, etc., can make their appearance. If “I” vanishes, “You” and “He” will disappear by themselves. Eradicate this false little “I” of an illusory nature through proper Self Inquiry. Thinker is different from thought. Remember this. This gives the clue to the fact that you are the silent witness of the modifications that arise in the mind.
Annihilation of Thoughts
Raja Yoga teaches though the mental modifications. It gives you the power of expelling the thoughts or, if need be, of end them on the spot. Naturally, the art requires practice, but like other arts, when once acquired, there is no mystery or difficulty about it. It is worth practicing.
Mark how one Thought expands into many Thoughts (imaginations) in a short time. Suppose you get a thought to have a tea-party for your friends. One thought of tea invites instantaneously the thoughts of sugar, milk, tea-cups, tables, chairs, table-cloth, napkins, spoons, sweetmeats, salted things, etc. So this world is nothing but the expansion of thoughts. There is no such thing as the world, independent of and apart from, thoughts. The expansion of thoughts of the mind towards objects is bondage. Renunciation of thoughts is liberation. In the string of thought, countless thoughts are strung like so many beads. If the string be cut into pieces, then you may infer what will become of the illusory thoughts which are strung on it. You must be very watchful and nip the thoughts in the bud. Then only will you be really happy. Mind plays tricks. You must understand its nature, ways and habits. Then only you can control it very easily.
Prana (vital energy from breath) is the outer overcoat for the mind. The vibration of the subtle, psychic Prana gives rise to the formation of thought. By Pranayama (control of Prana or restraint of breath), you can also increase the mental energy and develop thought-control and thought-culture. This will help concentration and meditation. This will make the mind steady. This will remove Rajas (Passion) and Tamas (Inertia). This will burn the dross in the mind.
Good Thinking
If you think again and again on impure things, an evil thought gains new strength by repetition. It gets the force of momentum. You must drive them immediately. If you find it difficult to do so, entertain counter-thoughts of God. Cultivate sublime and elevating thoughts. Evil thoughts will die by themselves. A noble thought is a potent antidote to counteract an evil thought. This is easier than the former method. By repetition of your favorite God's Name, good thoughts gain new strength by each repetition. By repeating “I am Soul” daily, the idea that you are the Soul becomes stronger. The idea that you are the body becomes weaker and weaker. We will see more tomorrow. :)
Mind – Its Mysteries and Control by Sri Swami Sivananda

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