Monday, June 25, 2012

Desire – Food for Thought!

Desire is a mode of the emotive mind. It has got a power of externalizing the mind. Desire is the fuel; thought is the fire. The thought-fire is kept up by the desire-fuel. If you withdraw the supply of fuel, the fire will be withdrawn into its womb. If you stop thinking by cutting off desires, the mind will be withdrawn into Consciousness.
It is only when the mind, being divested of all its desires, is indifferent to pleasures and pains and is not attracted by any object that it will be rendered pure, free from the grip of the great delusion like a bird freed from its cage and roaming freely in the space.
Desire, Thought and Ego form one vicious circle. If you can destroy any one of them, the other two will die by themselves. These are the three pillars or corner-stones of the edifice of mind. They are the three links of the mind-chain. Destroy any one of the links; the whole chain will be broken.
Why do Desires Arise?
Why do desires arise in the mind? On account of absence of spiritual bliss. The cause for desire is the existence of objects outside. Curiosity becomes a desire in the mind. Interest and feeling precede a desire. Hope and expectation fatten the desire.
Wandering – The Very Nature of Mind
Just as heat is inseparable from fire, the tossing of the mind is inseparable from the mind. It troubles the aspirants a lot. It destroys all of a sudden the determinations of strong-willed persons also. The mind ceases to exist if it is destitute of this oscillation. This fluctuating mind alone creates the universe. Even impurity can be removed easily. It demands strenuous efforts for a protracted time on the part of the aspirant to remove this wandering. Even the undaunted person may suffer a lot from this distracting tossing of mind when one tries to enter the thoughtless state. Many greats persons underwent the same difficulty when they tried to overcome this troublesome fluctuating power of the mind. Wandering is delusion. You will have to destroy this by constant Practice or Yoga or ceaseless Soul inquiry. Then, peace will come by itself.
Mind – Its Mysteries and Control by Sri Swami Sivananda

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