Sunday, May 13, 2012

What is Vastu Science?

By Dr. Jessie Mercay
posted by Ganesh
A highly complex science that requires thoughtful study and precise execution as Vaastu Technology. It is a science born of knowledge of physics, mathematics and other sciences. It involves comprehension of Space, Time, Light, Sound, the five elements, and an understanding of the dynamics of manifestation of energy from potential energy (Primal) to kinetic energy (matter or form). - Dr. V. Ganapati Sthapati
The term Vastu (Vastu Brahmam or Vastu Purusha) refers to primal, unmanifest, potential energy - Consciousness as energy. It is the energy through which and within which all material forms manifest. Throughout history and among many cultures, this primal energy has been given many names. The names range from religious (God, Brahmam) to scientific (the Quantum Field). Vastu is that unmanifest energy that lives eternally. It is the Field within which the manifest world exists as particles and is ultimately governed.
The Field is the sole governing agency of the particle. - Albert Einstein
The free Space is the unified field of energy and matter and source of all forms that we see in material world. - Mayan in "Aintiram"

Vas: to shine; to grow bright, to cause to shine; to enter into, to dwell, becoming light, dawning, the seat or place of, an abiding substance or essence, to cohabit with. Vaas: to make fragrant or to perfume, an intoxicant, to be or make firm, dwelling place, to assume the appearance of, matter.
Vastu is that energy of force that lives eternally. It is never-ending and omnipresent. In examining these definitions, we can see that Vastu is the seat of an abiding, shining substance or essence. It has a quality of growing brightness and is the pith or substance that enters into and cohabits with that in which it dwells. It is the source of all of the material world yet it cohabits with the material world as Vaastu. It does not separate itself from the material world.
Vaastu is that which assumes the appearance of matter. It makes firm or gives concrete shape to the place where it dwells. It makes fragrant that in which it dwells. That fragrance is the intoxicating spiritual bliss experienced by people who live in or visit a Vaastu structure.
Vastu Science is an ancient science that describes the process through which Vastu (unmanifest) turns itself into Vaastu (manifest forms and material). Vastu written with one “a” refers to unmanifest Absolute Space or Pure Consciousness. Vastu written with two “a’s” (Vaastu) refers to the unmanifest Absolute Space having taken on its material form. Vastu Science then is the science of unmanifest Pure Consciousness and Vaastu Science is the science of manifest Pure Consciousness (Vastu as the material world).
Vastu Science gives rise to Vaastu technology. That is, an understanding of Vastu Science provides the basis for understanding the use of Vaastu technology in the relative material world. Vaastu Technology arises from Vastu Science. One must understand Vastu Science before one can understand and execute Vaastu technology properly.
“This science deals with the eternal process of the subtle energy manifesting into material space or material form. In short, it is the science of manifestation of energy into matter or material form.” - Dr. V. Ganapati Sthapati.
Fabric of The Universe: The Origins, Implications, and Applications of Vastu Science By Jessie J. Mercay. Text and diagrams, with permission, from Dr. Jessie Mercay, Fabric of the Universe, For any questions please visit

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