Friday, May 11, 2012

Thought Waves

Thought-waves are modifications of the mind. It is a wave of thought that arises in the fourfold mind. They are the effect of Ignorance. When Ignorance is destroyed by Self Knowledge, Thought-waves get absorbed in Consciousness, just as water thrown in a heated pan is absorbed in the pan. It is Thought-wave and identification with the Thought-wave that causes attachment and bondage. It is through ignorance that you identify our-self with Thought-wave as, for instance, when you say: 'I am angry.'
Inward-moving and Outward-moving Thought-wave
When the outgoing tendencies of the mind are arrested, when the mind is retained within the heart, when all its attention is turned on itself alone, that condition is Inward-moving thought-wave. This Thought-wave is the in-drawing energy of the mind owing to increase in Sattva (Purity).
The Outward-moving thought-wave is the outgoing tendency of the mind due to Rajas (Passion). When the vision is turned outward, the rush of fleeting events engages the mind. The outgoing energies of the mind begin to play. Further, on account of force of habit, the ears and eyes at once run towards sound and sight. Objects and desire are externalizing forces. A Rajasic man full of desires can never dream of an inner spiritual life. You will get inward-moving mind only after you have destroyed all the externalizing powers of the mind. Self-control and introspection help a lot in the attainment of this mental state. Those who know this practice can really be peaceful. They can be really happy. When the mental rays are concentrated, illumination begins. Mind cannot do any havoc now. The mind cannot externalize itself. It can be kept inside the cave of the heart.
Destruction of Thought-waves leads to Mental Strength
Mind gains great strength when the Thought-waves are destroyed. It is not easy to destroy Thought-waves because they are innumerable. They should be taken up one by one and dealt with separately. Some Thought-waves are very strong. They demand strong efforts for their destruction. Most of the Thought-waves are very weak. Weak Thought-waves melt away like rent clouds. Strong thoughts remain and frequently recur daily in the morning as soon as you rise from your bed.
Be silent. Enter silence. Silence is Soul. Silence is center. Silence is the heart-cave. When the mind runs from one object to another, that state in the interval wherein you become mindless for a very short time. That is Soul Consciousness. When the mind is controlled fully, Thought-waves cease. When all the modifications subside, you enter into the silence then and then alone. Realize this, this very moment. Feel the divine glory now by closing the eyes, by drawing the Senses, by stilling the mind, by silencing the thoughts, by sharpening the intellect, by purifying the Subconscious, by meditation. Keep up the continuity of Soul consciousness throughout the 24 hours. Have an unceasing flow of Soul consciousness. This is very important. When there are no more thought-waves, Impression and the frame of the mind remain. Impression can only be fried up by Samadhi (final state of Self Realization).
Mind – Its Mysteries and Control by Sri Swami Sivananda

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