Saturday, May 26, 2012

Pranava Veda - The First Veda

By Dr. Jessie Mercay
posted by Ganesh
Earlier weeks we learned about Vastu ScienceVaastu Science and Technology and Mamuni Mayan. This week we will learn about Pranava Veda and other great works by Mayan.
The Pranava Veda is the first Veda and the “source Veda.” Dr. V. Ganapati Sthapati explains, “A good deal of evidences is available both in Tamil as well as in Sanskrit works, particularly in Srimat Bhagavatam and Skandam about the remote existence of Pranava Veda. This Veda was later on called the science of Vastu (energy) and Vaastu (embodied energy), which is gaining much popularity today across the globe.”
Dr. V. Ganapati Sthapati goes on to say that Veda Vyasa himself said in the Bhagavatam:
“eka eva pura vedo pranavha sarva vangmayha”
(9th skandha, 14th chapter, sloka 48 of Bhagavatam)

This phrase by Veda Vyasa, the compiler of the present day Vedas, means that there was only one Veda in the remote past and that Veda is called Pranava Veda - the Veda of the shilpis of India. Artharva Sheershopanishad makes mention of the term “Pranava” as being “ongara” – the all-pervasive substance.
Pranava Veda elucidates the science of Pranava. It is the scientific study of The All Pervading Substance. Pranava Veda presents the science of “how the invisible substance of the universe (paravastu) makes itself manifest in the visible material (Vaastu) forms.” In other words, Pranava Veda reveals the process of how the All Pervasive pure Energy turns into Matter or material existence.(
What we see above is called the “Five fold Veda.” This is the “source” Veda that presents the scientific manifestation process (Pranava Veda) and the four products of that manifestation (poetry, music, dance, and architecture).
All of these “forms” (poetry, music, dance, architecture) are generated from the Unmanifest Space or Brahmam based on SPACE, TIME, SOUND and LIGHT which give rise to all aural and visual forms in the manifest world. In this science and technology, each of these manifest forms of paravastu or Vastu are governed by a common grammar of Kaala manaa (time units) called Taala maana.The dominant and all pervasive element in the creation of these forms is the concept and process of the unmanifest becoming manifest by its own creative nature.
Based upon this theory of manifestation, and to signify the Five Fold Veda, the Shilpis have created a form with five heads. This form is called Vishwakarman. It represents the five Vedas, that is the Pranava Veda which is the instruction manual for how the Unmanifest (Vastu) turns Itself into Manifest creation (Vaastu) and the four products of that manifestation (poetry, music, dance and architecture).
Fabric of The Universe: The Origins, Implications, and Applications of Vastu Science By Jessie J. Mercay. Text and diagrams, with permission, from Dr. Jessie Mercay, Fabric of the Universe, For any questions please visit


  1. Suprised why Mayan did not include movies & drama

  2. cannot be ignored.requires further research.

  3. cannot be ignored.requires further research.

  4. I have heard from veerabramhendra swamy. and some greatpeople that vedavyasa has done all history upside down and has changed all things.thing to be noted that pranava veda existed before only. And poetry dance i dont think pranava veda is this. Pranava veda is from diwagna or vishwabramhana and it is greatest of all vedas. And deals with high technology and other superior things. I dont belive pranava veda deals with poetry,dance,.

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I just now heard about veerabramhendra swamy from you and found interesting info here

      In short Pranava Veda is a text that elucidates the process of energy (Brahmam) turning itself into matter (the material world. In this text, pure energy or consciousness goes through a process that can be observed as a mathematical order. That process can be emulated by humans through applying that mathematical order to dance, music, poetry, architecture and sculpture thus creating arts that vibrate in a way that causes the viewer, listener, inhabitant to vibrate with the Divine qualities that the art form does. This Pranava Veda was cognized by Brahmarishi Mayan about 10,000 years ago.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This may be the Nasadeeya sooktham of Rigveda.

  7. Resembles Nasadeeya sooktham of Rigveda. ..?
