Sunday, May 27, 2012

Pranava Veda – The Divine Principles

By Dr. Jessie Mercay
posted by Ganesh
Dr. V. Ganapati Sthapati took great effort in recording, in writing, the fifty ‐ thousand verses of the Pranava Veda that Veerabathiranar recited to him. The Pranava Veda is one of the oldest Tamil Works available today. It is presented as the source of Vedas by Veda Vyasa himself (compiler of the Vedas). This scripture deals with the basic principles of Light, Sound, Space, Time and Self (individual and Universal soul).
Dr. S.P. Sabharathnam, a Vastu and Agama scholar and translator of Mayan’s works and many other ancient texts says this about Pranava Veda:
The working pattern of the basic two aspects of Pranava (OM) – OM light and Om sound is the core subject of this work. The nature of Primal Light is analyzed in terms of visible rays, invisible rays, sparks and flames, which are constantly working. In inner cosmos and outer cosmos, (inner cosmos is within every Human body) the nature of Primal Sound is analyzed in terms of audible and inaudible sounds which go hand in hand with the Luminous rays and sparks. The Pranava Veda establishes the truth that there is the basic source of Primal Light, which emits trillions and trillions of luminous beams, which are classified into three - solar, lunar, and fiery. All the visible luminous bodies moving in the near and distant heavens derive their energy only from this Basic Source of Primal Light… The Pranava Veda speaks elaborately on the 64 square grid, micro-­‐abode, fivefold manifestation, five cosmic elements, the positive, negative and neutral interaction between the five cosmic elements and above all the unfailing total identity and correspondence between the inner cosmos (human body) and the outer cosmos.

Some of the worthy declarations made in this Veda are:
  • Who is there in this world who has perfectly realized the greatness and efficacy of the human body?
  • It is only the perfect human being who could gain the essential knowledge of the Eternal Existence and of the ever-pure Space of Consciousness.
  • It is only the perfect human being who could gain the beatific intuition and everlasting Bliss.
  • It is only the perfect human being who could co-ordinate the basic functions of light, sound, space and time.
  • It is only the perfect human being who could attain the knowledge of Cosmic totality within himself and elevate Himself to the extreme spiritual heights.
The Pranava Veda, which is replete with basic principles and concepts of the ever – expanding universe and the visible and invisible cosmic structures, is sure to benefit the reader in great measure. One can see the depth and elegance of the Pranava Veda by reading the following verses by Mayan. They are at once, science and spirituality – the physics of the Divine.
Pranava Veda - Verse 1
Om Light and Om Sound are the Primal Source of all manifest forms. Om Light is aroused by its own effort in a state of disorder and appears as a flame. The state of Om Light and Om Sound in Space is a magnificent luminous six - faced Light form that is called “murukoli”. The transformation of Om Light and Om Sound through the five stages is concealed in the five fold knowledge, of which, this is the first. This process of transformation of disorderly Om Light and Om Sound into orderliness is found in all five fold material forms.

Pranava Veda - Verse 2
The self-effulgent luminous light transforms itself into a flame, which spreads in all directions as a creative light. This light infuses the invisible and visible spaces creating a mathematical order, which is ever existent. Vibration of Om sound and the magnificent force of cosmic light generates sound (sound particles). Vibrant stillness of Om Light creates a beautifully spread immense flame.

These two verses form the basis for understanding what is called the manifestation process - how the unbounded Space or Consciousness becomes bound as material form - the drama of life unfolding.
Fabric of The Universe: The Origins, Implications, and Applications of Vastu Science By Jessie J. Mercay. Text and diagrams, with permission, from Dr. Jessie Mercay, Fabric of the Universe, For any questions please visit


  1. Who is that veerabhatiranar s reply at

    1. Good question Ajey! But I don't have much information about him. If I come across in future, I will share that. :)

    2. You can find more about Veerabhatiranar here...

  2. Is there a translation of Pranava Veda on internet?

    1. You can get the book from
